Shiatsu is a Japanese holistic therapy – the name means finger pressure. It works on the same principles as Acupuncture; both are rooted in Chinese Medicine. It is a bodywork and energy work used to promote good, strong flowing Qi or vital energy through the body. Gentle pressure and stretching is used on pressure points and meridian channels, using fingers, thumbs, palms, elbows and forearms rather than needles to increase the body’s natural defences.
Through touch the practitioner will assess which meridians are out of balance ~ which are more deficient or in excess. Diagnosis is done though all the senses to give an overall picture of what to treat. Shiatsu is powerful but gentle, it treats by the symptoms seen so each session is as individual as the person receiving it.
Shiatsu can support a broad range of conditions such as chronic fatigue, blocked energy and pain in the body, feelings of being stuck or disconnected, menstrual irregularities and peri-menopausal/menopause symptoms, back pain, migraine, digestive issues, post viral symptoms and colds, low energy, stress, the list goes on… Periodic shiatsu sessions help to correct minor imbalances before they develop into chronic disorders. It can be used as part of a preventative healthcare plan, for general well-being, and for stress management or simply because it’s relaxing and you need some time for yourself.
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“Shiatsu is safe and effective
Academic research indicates that Shiatsu is safe and can reduce a wide range of symptoms, improving quality of life and reducing dependency on medication.
Shiatsu touch, in its stillness, depth and gentle compassion, is able to support the whole person.”
Available Therapists
Shiatsu with Chloe Broomby Chloe is very passionate about Shiatsu and is constantly amazed by its healing powers. With a sensitivity to energy flow in the body she uses touch to assess and restore balance. She is described by her clients as being compassionate, intuitive, warm and sensitive. Shiatsu supports the body’s self healing ability, regular sessions will rebalance you on all levels – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual – to bring about a sense of harmony, well-being and deepened connection to self. Shiatsu is performed through clothing on a futon on the floor, but it can also be on a massage couch or a chair if the floor isn’t suitable for the client. Chloe loves supporting women going through life changes, this can be the peri-menopause and menopause – helping them to find relief from their symptoms including hot flushes, joint pain, foggy head or anxiety. Other life changes include moving, losing a family member or someone close, and recovery from an illness which may include post-viral fatigue. Shiatsu treats by the symptoms seen so each session is as individual as the person receiving it. “I turned to holistic medicine in my teens and early 20s when I found that conventional medicine wasn’t helping my symptoms. Since then, I have been on a long journey to find my calling to healing with Shiatsu. I wish to support others through their journey too.” Chloe is a Shiatsu Practitioner who qualified in 2019 from the European Shiatsu School. She trained at East West College and the European Shiatsu School, is fully insured and is a member of the Shiatsu Society. Chloe completes regular CPD courses and workshops. Gift vouchers are available from her website. Tel: 07769 644719 Email : Website: